I finally got the pictures for The scrap book pages that I I'll be making. Now I just need some help!!!
This blog is about a little of everything. My mom and I started it to share layouts with others who enjoy scrapbooking as much as we do. I will also share pictures of life as well. I hope you enjoy scrapbooking with us.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
a new idea!
So this is just a thought.
I may try to start my own scrapbooking company. Now it's not going to be a store per-se, but a custom scrapbooking workshop where people whom don't have the time an send me their photos and I can make them personal scrapbooks of there choice where they choose layouts and styles. I think this is definitly a good idea but I just may need a bit of help from MOM to get it off the ground;)
what do you think?
I may try to start my own scrapbooking company. Now it's not going to be a store per-se, but a custom scrapbooking workshop where people whom don't have the time an send me their photos and I can make them personal scrapbooks of there choice where they choose layouts and styles. I think this is definitly a good idea but I just may need a bit of help from MOM to get it off the ground;)
what do you think?
Saturday, August 6, 2011
So, silly me, I tried to start my layouts for my school today with the help of my mother and grandmother and I hadn't even seen the class photos yet! I can't even start without knowing the background colors of the photos so needless to say it was a non-productive weekend for me. I did get a few personal pages done though!
So, silly me, I tried to start my layouts for my school today with the help of my mother and grandmother and I hadn't even seen the class photos yet! I can't even start without knowing the background colors of the photos so needless to say it was a non-productive weekend for me. I did get a few personal pages done though!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Better late then never
I know MAY 15TH WAS THE LAST POST THAT EITHER OF US MADE! I've been slacking a bit on the blogging front but I am back with news.
I was selected by my employer to scrapbook the class photos for the main lobby at our school! I am so unbelievably excited. Not to mention I am getting paid (I probably would have done it for free but this is even better!;) )
As I think about it now though the pressure is definitely on! I am so used to doing digital scrapbooking, and I was asked for this project for traditional. I am good at traditional it has just been a while. I really want to pull through with this because if other people see these frames pages they may also want to have me do some projects for them as well which would help me breakthrough in this dream field!
Wish me luck!
I was selected by my employer to scrapbook the class photos for the main lobby at our school! I am so unbelievably excited. Not to mention I am getting paid (I probably would have done it for free but this is even better!;) )
As I think about it now though the pressure is definitely on! I am so used to doing digital scrapbooking, and I was asked for this project for traditional. I am good at traditional it has just been a while. I really want to pull through with this because if other people see these frames pages they may also want to have me do some projects for them as well which would help me breakthrough in this dream field!
Wish me luck!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Wood Island

Last September, Kathy, Michelle, Myrna, Darlene, Bob and I went to Wood Island in Biddeford Pool to ghost hunt. The boardwalk in this picture is about 1/2 mile long from one side of the island to the other. We met Ron Kolek and purchased his ghosthunting book, there are legends on the island and also that there had been a murder and suicide. He told us that he has seen apparations on the boardwalk at night when he set up his night vision camera. Well, anyway we didn't see anything.
Thanks Lauren for helping complete this page.
There was an overnight trip for $100.00 per person to stay on the island, but we didn't do that one.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Happy Early Easter
Happy Early EASTER!!!
Thought I would wish everyone a happy Easter before tomorrow because I will most likely be gone all day. I will be spending the day with the in-laws, driving to Massachusetts for Easter dinner at Oliveira's (a Brasilian steakhouse) and possible Mass before that. So everyone have a great and Happy Easter!!
Thought I would wish everyone a happy Easter before tomorrow because I will most likely be gone all day. I will be spending the day with the in-laws, driving to Massachusetts for Easter dinner at Oliveira's (a Brasilian steakhouse) and possible Mass before that. So everyone have a great and Happy Easter!!
Fore River Sanctuary in Portland
Friday, April 22, 2011
out running around
out of the house today, running around with mom...(as usual!) We went to a few stores then headed back to her house to scrap a bit today...i'll post what we make!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
a late morning and a birthday
If there is anything better then sleeping in...please enlighten me. This week was Flavia's birthday (my sister-in-law) So since her birthday fell in the middle of the week we decided that Sunday would work best for all of us to celebrate.
The food and cake were amazing. We had grill cooked rib-eye steak, pasta salad with ham, rice and yucca. It was quite the spread and I could have eaten a whole lot more but I did use a little self control.
So all and all a great day! I took a few pictures of Rafael playing with his nephew and I will try to get a chance to post them (I used my mother in law's camera so I am waiting for her to email them to me)
The food and cake were amazing. We had grill cooked rib-eye steak, pasta salad with ham, rice and yucca. It was quite the spread and I could have eaten a whole lot more but I did use a little self control.
So all and all a great day! I took a few pictures of Rafael playing with his nephew and I will try to get a chance to post them (I used my mother in law's camera so I am waiting for her to email them to me)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Autumn at the Park
Oh so happy!
Im so happy to see that there are people from all over the United Stated checking out our blog! I love to see that, and I would love to HEAR from you all! please leave us a comment and let us know how we are doing or just say hello!!
Thank you so much for your support!!
Lauren and Mom
Thank you so much for your support!!
Lauren and Mom
Off To The Park I Go

Every weekend, its off to the park with Raven., We try to go after 7:30 am so that we don't run into the woman that walks her 3 dogs at the same time., Two are on a leash, and one (Dakota) is not, and listens to her pretty well. Raven and I don't get very close, but we can see them off in the distance, Raven just stares at them, so if we go after 7:30 am we don't run into anyone. This is Ravens favorite place, (just like my newfie Molly, her favorite place was walking behind the school in the woods. The river at the park is running fast with the runoff and all of the rain that we have had, expect more rain tonight right into tomorrow morning.,
I put gas into my car this morning, i was running in the red, i got $40.00 worth, and it didn't give me 3/4 of a tank, I guess it pays to shop around,
Later we are going to the Mustard House, its a primitive gift shop with lots of neat little items that look old., some are antiques, and some are reproductions.
off to mom's I go
Heading to mom's for the day. The mustard house just opened so that is where we will be! They are having there spring open house so there should be a lot of great goodies to see..and purchase!!
Hope you are all having a great Saturday
Hope you are all having a great Saturday
Friday, April 15, 2011
this and that
Cleaning the house today on my day off. I am in a spring cleaning mood. When I get in the mood I need to just run with it before it wears off!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A trip up north for the weekend...
This weekend we took a trip up north to Grafton Notch State Park. We wanted to take a road trip which we haven't done in a while. Our plan was to go see the falls (Mother Walker and Screw Auger) I hadn't planned on all the snow that was up there, and the parking lots and trails not plowed so the falls went unseen. I did get some good pictures of the landscape going there though and it was really beautiful!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
and here are the pictures...
Our trip was GREAT today!! We managed to make it to 2 places that I had told you about in my previous post.
Blue Door Primitive Peddler in Alfred and Country Treasures in Shapleigh
This place I really loved...and where I spent 46 dollars worth of money i probably should have saved! It was very cute and quiant and there were 2 buildings. The main building is the second photo down and this is where you pay. The other building is set up with all of her great goodies for you to look around as well as the pay building. It was really nice and they gave up coupons for 60 percent off during their summer yard sale which I think she said happens in June!
The drive was amazing and on the way there we stopped on the side of the road to take pictures of this cool building and when we approached it and looked inside we realized it was an old school house. The doors were locked but we did peek in the windows and got some kinda poor shots but you can see what I mean about cool!
It was a lot of fun and I would recommend visiting these shops if not just for the drive!
Blue Door Primitive Peddler in Alfred and Country Treasures in Shapleigh
This place was really amazing and she had a really nice setup here. It was a tad bit overwhelming and the nice lady that worked there told us the technique to make sure we see everything "First go up the aisle one way then make your way back down only looking on one side...then make your way back the looking on the other side..." So that is what we did. They had a lot of nice things and I learned that the owner of the shop made about 85% of all the things in the store...I was amazed because she was a woman and definitely knew her way around powertools!
This place I really loved...and where I spent 46 dollars worth of money i probably should have saved! It was very cute and quiant and there were 2 buildings. The main building is the second photo down and this is where you pay. The other building is set up with all of her great goodies for you to look around as well as the pay building. It was really nice and they gave up coupons for 60 percent off during their summer yard sale which I think she said happens in June!
The drive was amazing and on the way there we stopped on the side of the road to take pictures of this cool building and when we approached it and looked inside we realized it was an old school house. The doors were locked but we did peek in the windows and got some kinda poor shots but you can see what I mean about cool!
It was a lot of fun and I would recommend visiting these shops if not just for the drive!
a day out with mom....
It is a beautiful saturday....60 degrees out!!
Mom and I are heading to 2 primitive shops today. We were going to go to the Mustard House today which is another primitive shop but they are closed until April 15th...bummer.
The shops we are headed to after lunch are in Alfred and Shapleigh The Blue Door Primitive Peddler, and Country Treasures. Ive heard a lot of good things about both of these shops online so I hope they surpass my expectations.
Pics to follow!
Mom and I are heading to 2 primitive shops today. We were going to go to the Mustard House today which is another primitive shop but they are closed until April 15th...bummer.
The shops we are headed to after lunch are in Alfred and Shapleigh The Blue Door Primitive Peddler, and Country Treasures. Ive heard a lot of good things about both of these shops online so I hope they surpass my expectations.
Pics to follow!
Just a dog...
I was looking at different blogs this morning and came across one that had this poem on it...it just made me melt into a big puddle of mush.
Read on...
If you, too, think it’s “just a dog,” you will probably understand phrases like “just a friend,” “just a sunrise,” or “just a promise.” “Just a dog” brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust and pure unbridled joy. “Just a dog” brings out the compassion and patience that makes me a better person. Because of “just a dog” I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future.
For me, and folks like me, it’s not “just a dog.” It’s an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment. “Just a dog” brings out what’s good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.
I hope that someday people can understand it’s not “just a dog.” It’s the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being “just a man or woman.”
So the next time you hear the phrase “just a dog,” smile, because they “just don’t understand.”
-Author Unknown
Read on...
Just a Dog
From time to time, people tell me “Lighten up, it’s just a dog” or, “That’s a lot of money for just a dog.” They don’t understand the distance traveled, time spent, or costs involved for “Just a dog.” Some of my proudest moments have come about with “Just a dog.” Many hours have passed with my only company being “Just a dog,” and not once have I felt slighted. Some of my saddest moments were brought about by “Just a dog.” In those days of darkness, the gentle touch of “just a dog” provided comfort and purpose to overcome the day.If you, too, think it’s “just a dog,” you will probably understand phrases like “just a friend,” “just a sunrise,” or “just a promise.” “Just a dog” brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust and pure unbridled joy. “Just a dog” brings out the compassion and patience that makes me a better person. Because of “just a dog” I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future.
For me, and folks like me, it’s not “just a dog.” It’s an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment. “Just a dog” brings out what’s good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.
I hope that someday people can understand it’s not “just a dog.” It’s the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being “just a man or woman.”
So the next time you hear the phrase “just a dog,” smile, because they “just don’t understand.”
-Author Unknown
Friday, April 8, 2011
commenting has been fixed
I fixed the commenting on this blog so now anyone can comment, before I had it as only people with a google account or open ID could...so now please comment away!! Thankyou
A scraplift....
This is a page mom and I did together...i think it may have been our first one that we did. We take a layout out of a magazine and we then do a layout with different colors and different papers without letting the other person know. It is a lot of fun and interesting to see what we both come up with using the same layout.

Beautiful but windy friday
Today was beautiful, but very windy which made it very cold!
Gizmos grooming appt was today. Now I work at a daycare and it can be a little stressful when the child doesn't want the parent to leave and so the parents proceeds to stay longer with the child which results in the child screaming even louder when they do need to leave. Going to the groomers is the same exact thing. I go in to drop off Gizmo and its the hardest thing to leave him with other people (even though they are VERY nice.) I did end up leaving him there...and getting back into my car a little sad, but I knew he was in good hands...it was just hard.
So needless to say he is groomed and beautiful!!!
After his grooming mom and I stopped off to get things at hannaford to make lunch...we had chicken sandwiches with roasted red peppers and cabbage soup...YUM
Then off to the park with the dog...it was kinda his treat for the day since he had to endure his grooming. He had a blast and the picture is from after his walk. He goes into our bedroom and goes right to sleep..(I woke him up for the picture...and all I heard in the background was mom yelling.."don't wake the dog!")
Hope everyone has a good start to the weekend
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Busy couple of days!
It has been a busy couple of days. Work has been crazy and it seems like the rainy weather has made the kids at school a little stir crazy, not being able to go outside and all.
I haven't had much time to do any scrapbooking. Friday is fast approaching and hopefully my mom and grandmother will be joining me for a 'scrap day' It should be fun....as well as making some tasty weight watchers recipes!!
Ive already lost 5 pounds!!! can't wait to see what the weigh in is like on sunday...ill let you know!
Gizmo keeps trying to climb on the keyboard so I think its time to go
Monday, April 4, 2011
a new day

So its monday. A good day overall. The kids at school were tired from the weekend so it was a pretty relaxed day. Im working on trying to take pictures everyday and document everyday life. Its not as easy as you think. I have a routine that happens everyday and nothing really changes so im not sure it is going to really work for me, but I really do want a scrapbook that has 365 days of our life.
On another note...here is a layout that i completed a little while ago.
Sunday, April 3, 2011

This is a little blast from the past. This is a layout that I made a year or so ago. Most of the elements were freebies from shabbyprincess.com, or digiscrapdepot.com (love both of those websites!) Please feel free to give feedback!!
This picture brings back so many memories from when we first got married. I would love to go back soon. (Its not that far from where we live..about 3 hours or so north)
Maybe this summer *crosses fingers*
a little off the topic

The picture above is of the Weightwatchers Mexican seven layer salad! and it is Delicious...my husband even ate it....(sceptical at first) but he has since asked for it every night!
If you would like the recipe just let me know!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Welcome to our new BLOG!!
This is a blog about scrapbooking, traditional as well as digital.
We how you enjoy our layouts and please let us know what you think!
-MOM & Laur
This is a blog about scrapbooking, traditional as well as digital.
We how you enjoy our layouts and please let us know what you think!
-MOM & Laur
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